Thursday, August 21, 2008

Welcome to Mr. Morris's English Blog Fall 2008

Dear students and parents,

Several times a week I will use this blog to update vocabulary lists for Honors classes, provide links to instructional materials, share news stories pertinent to class activities, and share answers to questions I could not answer in class. As I expect with my students, I refuse to answer questions with, "I don't know." The better answer is, "I'll find out."

I highly recommend students create a google account (it's as simple as signing up for gmail, which you should do anyway) and post questions and comments in the comments section of posts I make. Each time someone comments on this blog, I receive an email alert ensuring a quick response from me. I will also sometimes offer extra credit to students who first reply to a question I pose on this blog.

In short, use this tool to your advantage.

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