Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Week In English: Week 10

English IV:

10/26: Journals; The Week in English; Macbeth II Quiz; Macbeth II Review; Macbeth I Film; Vocabulary Assignment
HW: Read Macbeth Act III; Vocabulary Homework Week 10
10/27: Journals; Vocabulary Check; Vocabulary Review; Macbeth III Study Guide
HW: Review Macbeth Act III
10/28: Journals; Macbeth III Quiz; Macbeth Act III Review; Macbeth Film
HW: Read Macbeth Act IV
10/29: Journals Due; Macbeth Act IV Study Guide; Macbeth Film
HW: Review Macbeth Act IV
10/30: Journals; Vocabulary Quiz Week 10; Macbeth IV Review and Film
HW: Read Macbeth Act V

Long Distance Due Dates: 11/3: Macbeth Soundtrack Project Due
11/5: Macbeth Test
10/26 - 11/6: Meet with GP advisor for Product Check
11/23 - 12/4: Meet with GP advisor for Portfolio Check
12/8 - 12/11: Meet with GP advisor for component submission

English 3:

10/26: Journals; Week in English; Humor Techniques; Humor in "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County;" Vocabulary Assignment
HW: Finish reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
10/27: Journals; Vocabulary Check; Huck Finn Quiz; Humor in Huck Finn
HW: Read The Great Gatsby by 11/2
10/28: Journals; SAT Practice; Racism in Huck Finn; Twain film continued
10/29: Journals Due; Huck Finn film
10/30: Journals: Vocabulary Quiz; Huck Finn film continued

Long Distance Due Dates: 10/28: Rough Draft of GP Letter of Intent due to Advisor
11/4: GP Letter of Intent due to Advisor and Mr. Morris

Monday, October 26, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Honors English 11 Test Study Guide

Familiarize yourself with the writing styles of Whitman, Emerson, Thoreau, and Poe.

Familiarize yourself with the major themes of "The Cask," "The Masque," "The Fall," "The Raven," "Chickamauga," "An Occurrence," and the poetry from Leaves of Grass.

Terms to be aware of are dramatic irony, symbolism, allegory, mood, tone, sardonic humor, point of view, free verse, parallel structure, Romanticism, etc.

What else do you want to know? Leave a comment.

The Week In English: Week 9

English IV:

10/20: Journals; The Week in English; Macbeth Act I Quiz; Macbeth Act I Study Guide; Vocabulary Assignment
Homework: Read Macbeth Act II by 10/22; Vocabulary Homework Week 9
10/21: Journals; Vocab Check and Review; Macbeth Act I Film Study
Homework: Read Macbeth Act II
10/22: Journals Due; Macbeth Act II Quiz; Macbeth Act II Study Guide; Macbeth Soundtrack Assignment (due 11/03)
Homework: Read Macbeth Act III by 10/26
10/23: Journals; Vocabulary Quiz 9; Macbeth Act II film comparison

English 3:

10/20: Journals; The Week in English; The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn quiz; Twain film cont.; Realism and Dialect in Huck Finn; Vocabulary Assignment
Homework: Read through chapter 29 by 10/23
10/21: Journals; Vocab Check; SAT Practice; MLA formatting review; Research Paper Final Revisions
Homework: Complete Research Paper by 10/23
10/22: Journals due; Unit Test III
Homework: Complete Research Paper
10/23: Journals; Vocabulary Quiz Week 9; Motif and Allusion in Huck Finn
Homework: Read Through Chapter the Last

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Week in English: Week 8

English 3: Test Study Guide:

Pay attention to:
"The Cask of Amontillado"
"The Masque of the Red Death"
"The Fall of the House of Usher"
-the nature of language
Leaves of Grass Preface
-America's characterization
"Song of Myself"
-form (i.e. what makes free verse "free"?)
-language (who is Whitman emulating?)
"I Hear America Singing"
-who is America? Why are they singing?
"An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge"
-tone/sardonic humor

-prepare to discuss a poem you have never before seen

English IV:

10/12: Journals; Shakespearean sonnet study; Vocabulary Assignment
Homework: Read Macbeth Act I; complete Vocabulary Assignment; Graduation Project Final Draft Due 10/16
10/13: Journals; Vocabulary Check and Review; Continue Macbeth assignment
HW: Continue Work on Final Draft
10/14: Journals; finish Macbeth assignment; work on Graduation Project draft
HW: Continue Work on Final Draft
10/15: Journals Due; Unit Test III
HW: Finish Final Draft
10/16: Turn in Final Draft; Journals; Vocabulary Quiz; Introduction to Macbeth; Macbeth Study Guide I

GP Seniors: What Advisors are Looking For

The following are from Mrs. Thornhill's email to the faculty:

note cards (approximately 50)

mla worksheet (not technically required, but possibly helpful for you)

scoring rubric for you to complete and return to them. please be
helpful in your criticism.

paper, typed and stapled
cover sheet
4 - 6 pages of text
works cited page

Extra scoring rubrics ("yes tests") are on my door.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Class of 2011 Graduation Project Timeline

Wednesday, October 21: Complete Project Plan with Faculty Advisor on or before this date. Have a serious dialogue at home with parent/guardian before a topic is chosen. Be sure you can write a research paper on the topic chosen. Be sure to choose products that have a relationship with the research topic and are a stretch, but actually attainable for you. Remember, YOU must identify a mentor who is an expert in your topic.
Wednesday, October 28: Complete Letter of Intent rough draft by this date (with or without Faculty Advisor)
Wednesday, November 4: Letter of Intent final draft due by this date - upload through Moodle and submit to Faculty Advisor in hard copy format in order for advisors to complete the letter evaluation.
Refer to the Graduation Project Handbook for more detailed instructions.

(From M. Huber)

Honors English 11 Vocabulary List Week 8

is here.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Week In English: Week 7

English IV:

10/05: Journals; Medieval Ballad Study (pp. 194-200); Vocab Assignment
HW: Read pp. 238-244; Vocabulary Homework
10/06: Journals; Vocab Check; Ballads/Sonnets Quiz
HW: Read pp. 256-262; Complete sonnet assignment
10/07: Journals; Turn in Graduation Project Rough Draft and Works Cited Page; Sonnet Study; Vocab Review
HW: Read pp. 292-305
10/08: Journals Due; Sonnet Study continued; Macbeth's Historical Background Study
HW: Read pp. 306-323
10/09: Journals; Vocabulary Quiz; Macbeth History continued

Important Dates Ahead:
10/09: Rough Draft Due to Advisor
10/14: Unit Test III (Ballads and Sonnets)
10/16: Final Draft Due to Mr. Morris

Macbeth Historical Background

On a separate sheet of paper, answer the questions below:

Macbeth: A lesson in history and Shakespeare’s sources.

You are going to spend this lesson acquainting yourself with one of Shakespeare’s favorite sources, Holinshed’s Chronicles of the History of England and Scotland. He drew on this document for information to use in the writing of his histories, but he also used parts of the document as a source for some of the tragedies. It was a major source for Macbeth.

Your objective is to find the “history” behind the play. How much of Macbeth is history, and how much of the play is Shakespeare’s invention? What changes did Shakespeare make, and why did he make them? What events are the same, and why did Shakespeare keep those events intact? Do you think the weird sisters are Shakespeare’s fiction? You may just be surprised. . .

Go to the facsimile web page to see a copy of an actual page from Holinshed’s Chronicles. Try to figure out the subject matter of the page. Note the illustrations. After you have spent four or five minutes trying to figure out Page 239, click on the right (forward) button to go to Page 240. Look at both Page 240 and Page 241 for the illustrations and any information you can put together. Do not spend too long trying to puzzle this out; I merely want you to get an idea of the original document.

Facsimile web page

Next, go to the Clicknotes site. Click on the first link (page 264). Begin answering the questions below, clicking on each page as you finish.


Answer the questions below, according to Holinshed.
1. Who was Macbeth’s father?
2. Who was Macbeth” mother?
3. What was the relationship between Macbeth and Duncan?
4. What kind of man was Macbeth?
5. What kind of man was Duncan?
6. What caused the change in Duncan’s reign from a quiet and peaceful time?
7. What happened to Duncan’s messenger at the hands of the rebels?
8. What did Makdowald do?
9. Is the Malcolme mentioned on this page the same as the Malcolm in the play?
10. Who goes with Macbeth to defeat Makdowald?
11. What did Makdowald do when it became obvious that he was going to be defeated?
12. What did Macbeth do to Makdowald?
13. After the rebels were subdued, who attacked Scotland?
14. What kind of man was Sueno?
15. What did he do to the people he defeated?
16. Who were the three Scottish leaders of the battles against Sueno?
17. Where did Duncan flee?
18. Describe the tricks the Scots played in order to defeat Sueno.
19. Who escaped the battle at the castle?
20. Who sends ships to avenge Sueno?
21. Who was sent to get rid of the new enemies of Scotland?
22. In what year of Duncan’s reign did the wars with Denmark occur?
23. Describe the three people that Macbeth and Banquo meet as they journey to Fores.
24. What did they tell Macbeth?
25. What did they tell Banquo?
26. Did Macbeth and Banquo take the news seriously? How do you know?
27. What happened to the thane of Cawder and his things?
28. What did Duncan do that caused Macbeth to decide to act against him?
29. What was the real Lady Macbeth like?
30. Did Macbeth act alone? Who else was in on the plot?
31. In what year was Duncan buried?
32. Who were Duncan’s sons, and where did they go after the assassination?
33. At this point, what kind of king does Macbeth appear to be? What are some things he does? (269-270)
34. According to Holinshed, if Macbeth had attained the crown by rightful means, what would have been the opinion of him?
35. What causes Macbeth to be afraid, and what specifically does he fear?
36. Describe the murder of Banquo.
37. Where did Fleance flee?
273 - 274
38. How did things go for Macbeth after the murder of Banquo?
39. What were the benefits to Macbeth resulting from the deaths of the nobles.
40. Why, according to Holinshed, did Macbeth build Dunsinane?
41. Why did Macbeth become angry at Makduffe?
42. Who had told Macbeth to take heed of Makduffe?
43. Why hadn’t Macbeth had Makduffe put to death after the warning?
44. Where did Makduffe go to save his life?
45. What did he hope to be able to do there?
46. How did Macbeth know about Makduffe’s plans?
47. What did Macbeth do at Makduffe’s castle?

Monday, October 5, 2009

Honors English 11 Vocabulary List Week 7

The following words are collected from the copy of "The Fall of the House of Usher" I handed out.

01. insufferable (1)
02. pervaded
03. sedges
04. aught
05. sublime
06. precipitous
07. lurid
08. tarn
09. boon
10. malady
11. munificent (2)
12. orthodox
13. equivocal
14. appellation
15. affinity
16. pestilent
17. valet (3)
18. phantasmagoric
19. trepidation
20. pallor (4)

Honors English 11 Grad Project Info

Introductory Information
Business Letter Template
Graduation Project Handbook