Thursday, May 29, 2008

Honors 11 Exam Study Guide

1. When Their Eyes Were Watching God begins, Janie is
2. Why does Janie leave her first husband?
3. On the store porch, why does Janie break her silence?
4. What does Jody do after Janie insults him in front of the other men?
5. Why does Janie reject so many suitors after Jody’s death?
6. How do Janie’s black friends act toward her during her trial?
7. Claude McKay’s “If We Must Die” is written in
8. Harlem Renaissance poets are NOT typically characterized by their use of
9. Langston Hughes’s “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” compares rivers to the speaker’s
10. Langston Hughes traces his ancestry to its earliest roots by the
11. Langston Hughes expresses the burden of
12. “I Too” is a response to
13. “I Too” most expresses
14. In Catch-22, which character is falls violently in love with a whore but is tragically killed at the La Spieza mission?
15. Which officer enjoys shooting field mice and refuses to engage in evasive action during missions?
16. Who tries to kill Yossarian with a knife after hearing about Nately's death?
17. What happens on the mission for which Yossarian receives a medal?
18. Major Major’s rise to rank suggests the ____________________ of authority.
19. Which city does the squadron bomb when Yossarian refuses to participate?
20. Why will Luciana and Yossarian not get married?
21. What is Kid Sampson doing when he gets sliced in half?
22. Who does Yossarian pretend to be in the hospital?
23. The Catch-22 mandates
24. Milo’s syndicate is financially strapped because he over-invests in
25. Orr escapes to
26. Which character unashamedly admits his corrupt pre-war civilian life?
27. What is Yossarian’s excuse for returning from the first mission to Bologna?
28 Who says: “It doesn’t make a damned bit of difference who wins the war to someone who’s dead.”
29. Who says: “What’s good for M & M Enterprises is good for the country.”
30. What makes Yossarian question the existence of God?

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