Friday, February 12, 2010

Note Card Format

The front of your card should contain the information with an MLA-style in-text citation. Either a direct quote or a paraphrase must contain the in-text (or parenthetical citation). Example:

The polypton "is used frequently in aphorisms,
probablybecause it is rarely recognized as a figure
at all" (Quinn 74).

The back of your card should contain the MLA works-cited style entry. So, for the book above, the back of the note card should look like this:

Quinn, Arthur. Figures of Speech: 60 Ways To Turn
A Phrase. Salt Lake City: Peregrine Smith,
1982. Print.


Number your sources so you do not have to repeatedly copy the same works-cited style entry over and over again. Each subsequent card made from the Quinn book need only list "1" on the back.

How do I cite internet pages? How do I cite magazines? How do I cite interviews?

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