Thursday, January 28, 2010

Honors English 3 Soundtrack Assignment

In this group project, working with groups of three or four, you will create a soundtrack based on the novel and scenes in The Scarlet Letter. This project will require you to select songs that you feel match up well with either the characters, events or thematic ideas of the novel. Your group should decide how you will tackle the assignment, but there are some ground rules to follow, as well as some formatting aspects to address.

n Your soundtrack should be composed of ten songs. A copy of the lyrics is required, even if you are burning a CD for this. CD burning is not required, but it does add a nice element to this, since it is musical.

n You must include an analysis of each song and how it fits with a scene, character or theme of the novel. Direct analysis and detail from the text will be needed to support your ideas, but you need not write a new novel or graduate thesis in order for this to work.

n Give your “product” an attractive cover. If you are doing a CD, the label/liner notes need to have some kind of illustration, title and track list. The lyrics and analysis should be turned in separately, but do not have to have an illustrated cover if a CD is turned in. If a CD is NOT turned in, then the analysis/lyrcs and a list of songs should be turned in WITH a title page that is illustrated.

The product should be solid, consistent, and clear in its analysis and understanding of the story. Effort is also a factor, and you should pay careful attention to the construction, song selection and presentation of the material. The analysis is also key, so please don’t forget to be selective, thorough and solid in your analysis and defense of your song selection and description. Good luck and have fun! This project will count as TWO homework/quiz grades and will be due on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10th. You may need to work on this outside of class, so make sure you all set aside some time to work on it out of school.

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