Friday, May 15, 2009

CP English 12 Romanticism Review

Today in class, we will review the Romantic Period and work to synthesize the author's beliefs and values.

I. Look at the characteristics of Romanticism below. For each, name a Romantic work we have read in class that demonstrates that principle. Explain your reasoning.

1. Nature
2. Imagination
3. Sublime
4. Emotion
5. Common People
6. Asymmetry
7. Dirtiness
8. Chaos
9. Reaction to Political Events

II. With your partner, create either a twenty-line poem or a two-three paragraph short story that demonstrates at least five of the characteristics above. Once you have completed your poem or short story, briefly explain how your work demonstrates the principles.

III. Type up parts I and II, save them as a .rtf file, and attach the file in an email to Mr. Morris.

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